zondag 15 maart 2009

Undang-undang tentang Korban Kekejaman Facis Franco


Hari ini Parlemen Spanyol telah mengeluarkan Undang-undang berkaitan dengan korban kekejaman jenderal fasis Franco, di mana antara lain para korban akan mendapat pemulihan kembali kehormatannya dan mendapat kompensasi.

Meskipun pelanggaran HAM tersebut terjadi pada tahun 1936-1939 masalah keadilan masih terus diurus sehingga parlemen Spanyol berhasil mengeluarkan UU tsb. di atas hari ini.

Perkembangan politik di Spanyol berkaitan korban HAM jenderal fasis Franco haruslah menjadi peringatan bagi penyelenggara negara Indonesia, di mana dalam UUD 1945 tercantum tentang perlindungan HAM, dan yang juga terkandung dalam nilai-nilai Pancasila.

Bahwa pelanggaran HAM berat 1965-66 telah terjadi di Indonesia adalah FAKTA yang tidak dapat dinegasikan, ditutup-tutupi, dan diputar balikkan. Pembunuhan massal (jutaan orang), pembuangan ribuan orang ke pulau Buru, penahanan ribuan orang bertahun-tahun di penjara-penjara, pencabutan paspor para warganegara Indonesia di luar negeri dll. adalah fakta pelanggaran HAM berat.

Tapi sampai dewasa ini penyelenggara negara Indonesia masih berkeras kepala tidak mau mengeluarkan pernyataan tentang terjadinya pelanggaran HAM berat berkaitan peristiwa 1965. Apalagi dengan kejujuran mengakui pertanggungan jawabnya terhadap pelanggaran HAM tersebut.

Mudah-mudahan perkembangan politik di Spanyol tersebut menggugah hati nurani penyelenggara negara Indonesia untuk menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan, juga semoga para organisasi peduli HAM tidak melakukan diskriminasi (tebang pilih) dalam membela korban HAM di Indonesia.

Lebih detailnya kami persilahkan membaca berita dari Los Angeles Times - latimes.com terlampir di bawah ini.
Terima kasih.

Nederland, 01 Nopember 2007
MD Kartaprawira
Ketua Umum Lembaga Pembela Korban 1965

From the Los Angeles Times
Bill aiding Franco's victims advances
Despite opposition by right-wing politicians, parliament's lower house approves legislation condemning the late fascist leader.By Tracy WilkinsonLos Angeles Times Staff WriterNovember 1, 2007MADRID — With a last-minute concession to the Roman Catholic Church, the Spanish parliament Wednesday passed a landmark bill that condemns the dictatorship of Gen. Francisco Franco and makes restitution to its victims.The legislation represents a groundbreaking attempt by Spain to come to terms with a dark and still-disputed chapter of its recent history.The Law of Historical Memory, approved Wednesday by the lower house of parliament, will expand benefits to victims of Spain's 1936-39 civil war and nearly four decades of Franco-led dictatorship that followed. It still must go before the Senate, but approval there is considered a formality. Right-wing opposition politicians stubbornly fought the law, arguing it reopened wounds that would further divide the country."Nothing could be further from the truth," declared Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega as she opened Wednesday's parliamentary session. The legislation, she said, "is something that we can all support."The Socialist government of Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero -- whose grandfather was among thousands executed by Franco's forces -- maintains that although Franco backers who suffered during the war have been honored and compensated, those who opposed him were repressed, persecuted and never received justice.Backed by the Catholic Church, Franco and his fascist supporters staged a military coup in 1936 to overthrow the elected leftist Republican government, triggering the civil war that many regard as a precursor to World War II. Franco ruled until his death in 1975, after which Spain underwent a transition to democracy that included a political pact to ignore the past. Among the key points of the legislation:* Sentences handed down by kangaroo courts during the dictatorship, which sent thousands of dissidents and opponents of the regime to jail, will be formally declared "illegitimate."* Local governments must help locate, exhume and identify the bodies of victims from mass graves. Tens of thousands of Republican partisans are believed to be buried in clandestine common graves throughout the country, their fates never officially established.* Demonstrations are banned at El Valle de los Caidos, or the Valley of the Fallen, a mausoleum and tourist attraction where Franco is buried, sometimes used for fascist rallies.* Spaniards who lost citizenship after the dictatorship forced them into exile can regain it; descendants of exiles will be allowed to apply for citizenship during a two-year period.* Plaques, statues and other symbols honoring Franco "or statements in exaltation of the military uprising, the civil war or the repression of the dictatorship" must be removed from public view.It is here that legislators made a last-minute amendment at the behest of the church, which asserted "artistic-religious" reasons for maintaining plaques that honor priests and nuns who fell victim to Republican forces. Many of these commemorations contain the insignia of Franco and the fascists. Churches will be allowed to keep these memorials.The right-wing Popular Party continued to raise objections to the bill. Its congressional spokesman, Eduardo Zaplana, said the measure was unnecessary and risked destroying national unity fostered by Spain's transition to democracy.But many Spaniards who suffered under Franco, or lost Republican kin in the civil war, have long demanded recognition."For decades, there has been a tremendous injustice," said Emilio Silva, a Madrid resident who formed an organization dedicated to unearthing mass graves after his own search for the remains of his grandfather, slain by Franco's forces.Silva thinks the bill does not go far enough to repair damages of the past but is a good start."All work in recovering historical memory," he said, "is important collective therapy."wilkinson@latimes.com

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